

2007年12月25日 星期二

Katie Holmos' $100,000 Christmas shopping spree 阿湯嫂耶誕節花10萬美元大採購

Katie Holmes (凱蒂荷姆斯) was reportedly having the Christmas spirit when she hit the stores to do a bit of shopping. Katie's shopping spree was said to be $100,000! Here is a list of things she was spotted buying:

1 a $30,000 rose-gold Cartier wristwatch
2 a Prada ski coat for $1,395
3 an Armani suit for $5,400 for Tom
4 Gucci snakeskin sneakers for $990
5 four pairs of a handmade English shoes $825 each pair
6 a $9,000 overcoat
7 a $2,995 car coat
8 a $4,495 leather and cashmere jacket
9 six V-neck sweaters in various colors at $1,350 each
10 $5,000 on clothes for Suri (daughter of Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes )
(Gabby Babble & Random Citations)
