

2008年3月6日 星期四

Student gets rich staying in bed 荷蘭學生窩在床上就能賺錢

A Dutch student has come up with the ultimate way of making easy money - by staying in bed.

Yde Van Deutekom, 22, from Zoetermeer, is selling advertising on a website featuring a webcam showing him in bed.

So far, he has been in bed for 21 days and has had more than £3,500 paid into his bank account, reports GVA.

Mr Van Deutekom said: "Sleeping is just a hobby of me, and it is the only thing I'm very good at. Everyone is asking what I want to do with me life, but what I really want to do is sleep.

"I stay in bed all day, except for taking a shower, going to the bathroom and making something to eat. That's all I want to do. And I want to stay in bed until I'm very rich."

More than 450,000 people have visited his website - www.slapendrijk.nl. (GVA)
