The Chongqing city-based firm says the portrait of a mum's smiling face will be bigger than a football pitch at 9,000 sq metres.
The project is costing more than £70,000 - and it took three months to find the right woman to pose for the photo.
The Chongqing Changhong Printing Company, which says it is their biggest ever order, is working round the clock to finish the picture in time for May 11 when Mother's Day is celebrated in China.
"Usually we only stock two tonnes of inkjet paper, but this deal needs 4.4 tonnes, so we had to buy extra," company manager Mr Shen told the Chongqing Business Daily.
It is much too big to print in one piece so the picture is being printed on rolls of paper which will be put together to make up the giant portrait.
"The printer has been working around the clock for the last 20 days and we still have ten to go," added Mr Shen. (Chongqing Business Daily)