

2008年6月13日 星期五

Woman sweeps roads for 84 years 大陸老阿嬤義務掃街84年

A 104-year-old grandmother has been cleaning the streets in her city in China for 84 years - for free.

Ding Youzhen, of Anfeng town, Dongtai city, sweeps the roads near her home every day, reports the People's Daily.

She says she got into the habit in her twenties when she and her husband ran a teahouse.

"We would clean the roads from the port to our teahouse every day," she said.

And although the teahouse closed several years ago, Ding said she had never got out of the habit of sweeping the roads.

She has won several awards for her work for the community and has become something of a local celebrity. (People's Daily)
