Wim Delvoye, a Belgian living in Beijing, raised and tattooed eight pigs himself - two of them with LV artwork, reports People's Daily.
The Shanghai Exhibition Centre has agreed to put the pigs on display in a temporary pig pen for the upcoming 2008 Contemporary Art Exhibition, on condition the pigs don't create an unpleasant odour.
Mr Delvoye imported piglets from Europe for the project, which he calls 'Art Farm', and tattooed them when they were still small.
"Seeing the art pieces growing along with the pigs was an amazing thing," he said.
A spokeswoman for the New Beijing Gallery said the live pigs were not for sale, but their skins would later be sold for about £60,000 each.
During the exhibition period, strong sunscreen lotion must be applied to all the pigs to avoid their getting tanned in the open air," she said. (People’s Daily)